
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jasper's Beanstalk

After reading Jasper's Beanstalk, tell about a time that you

planted something, and what you had to do to help it grow.


  1. I had planted a flower but it died it is gone. I got it in kindergarten last year.

  2. I have a flower bed. I planded a watermelon in my second flower bed. I like flowers.

  3. Me and my mommy planted a pumpkin and cucumbers and tomato. I have a flower bed. Ilike tomato.

  4. I have plant flowers be for. Ms.Glenn has helped me plant flowers. I have helped Aunt juju water her flowers.

  5. I plant a Weed.
    I Woter it.

  6. I planted a apple seed. It needed sunlight and soil and water. My Dad and my brother helped plant the apple seed.

  7. I helped my mom plant flowers in the yard. They grew and were so pretty. We watered them and the sun made them grow.

  8. I plant a flower on Mother's Day. I planted a rose for my mom. I planted a yellow flower for my mom. I planted a pink flower.

  9. I planted seeds in the garden.

  10. I planted a garden with my Dad, sqash was the best and
    zucchini and cucumbers with salt is very good! I dont
    realy like cherry tomatos their too sweet. Bell pepers
    are delicious!There good for you too.

  11. I plant seeds for my mom and dad ..I plant seeds for mom.

  12. My mom planted some tomatoes. I planted too sunflawers. I planted a nother sunflawer on mothers day.The sunflawer it did not gorw but it grow a log log log time a go.I was in kindergartdin but it dide win I came to ferst grade.
