
Friday, May 2, 2014

Nashville Zoo

Last week, we went to the Nashville. Sequence your day at the zoo, and tell about your favorite part of the day.


  1. My class went on a fild trip. me eva and ms. lesa saw a tigr . My frends and I all loved the elphent. but loveed all of them.

  2. The zoo was favorite animal was the giraffe.I loved the playground.

  3. Our class trip to the zoo . I like the hotdogs . I liked the playground. I like the tiger.

  4. Our class went on a trip to the Nashvill zoo it was fun.My favorit animail is the monkey.My mom went with me.I sal lots of people. the jungle gym was fan.but the bst part was the elephant.

  5. My class whent to the Nash ville zoo. I saw lion at the Nashville and it was fun. Our zoo trip was very fun my dad was their we whent to the dino trek and it was fun. we whent to the jungl gem that was fun too.then we whent to the dino trek we had th best time their their was a 150 doler toy and it was cool it was a stuft toy and I liked it then we whent home we got my brother.

  6. I saw a elephant and agorilla and agirafte and a lion and a kangaroo and a zebra.I saw a flamingo..

  7. Our class whint to the Nashvill Zoo and Lindy and me whint whth my mom and Lindy and me had a awesome time and we saw kangaroos and zebras and giraffes and my favorite animals was the zebras.

  8. I liked the hot dogs. I liked the tiger . I liked the lion.

  9. Our class went to the Nashville Zoo.We had fun. I saw a blue Macaw and a Gorilla type monkey.We had a picnic.We ate a hot dog with ketchep.I saw a Giraffe swinging its head the branch. The workers were buliding a tiger igsibit! My favorite animal is the Flamingo.

  10. Our class went to the zoo I saw a Armadillo. We got to see a kangaroo and a lion. I also saw a black panther.

  11. Our class went on a trip to the Nashville Zoo.I loved the jungle gym.I walked with Lindy and Zaydi and Zaydi,s mom.I love owls.I love owls because they can fly and they have black or brown feathers.

  12. Our class went to the Nashville Zoo at Grassmere. We had a great time. My mom got to come too. We saw all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds. I really liked the playground too.

  13. I went to Nashville zoo. I walked with Mrs. Lisa. I saw a animals called anteater.

  14. Our first grade class trip to the zoo was fun. We saw lots of animals. My favorite was the zebra and a jaguar. I also like the turtles, parrots, and tigers.
