
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Exploring the Rainforest

After reading The Red Eyed Tree Frog, imagine that you took a trip to the rainforest, and tell what you saw and heard.


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  2. Layers of the rainforst The Camopy is a lot of trees it looks like umbrella that covers the hole forest.The Fmergent is about two or three trees that stick up out of the Comopy.The forest floor is were some animals of the Rainforst live.There is a cupl of plants and bushis in the Rainforest floor.The grond is alwas wet in the Rainforest.

  3. The rainforest is very very hot it has two emergents trees and it has a lot of animaels. The rainforest is a butetafull place.There are many difrent layers in the rainforest there a comopy, a forest floor and two emergents too .

  4. It rains a lot in the rainforst and it is big. In the rainforst has layersin the emergent layers it has two. A humming bird wings beat 75 tims a secend. The understory is under the emergent.

  5. The Emergnt is the top part of the Rainforest. the Camopy is a lot of tree that covers the hole Rainforest. the Under story is the bottem of the Rainforest.

  6. Laylres of the rainforest The Emrgit has Hrpe eagl, monks,
    and Brds. The coaupe has of the rainforest. In The canupe is VARE LODE! The undsor is a satohe place. It has some willd cat , snakes, bat, bugs, olwe, and lisrds. The foris flor is dark and soge. snakes, and jagwr, ant live thar. Bow constitor. Is killing stile is to skeezing is pray. Is huts at night so we
    call it noctul so it huns at niht.

  7. Animals live in the emergent. Some animals live in the camopy. A lot of animals live on the forest floor.Monarch butterflys are good flyers. And they have brightcolors.The monarch butterfly is

    Animals live in the emergent.Some animals live in the camopy.A lot of animals live on the forest floor. Monarch butterflys are goodflyers. And they havebright colors.

  8. The layer, are the emergent layer, conopy layer, understors layer, lmmature layer, and forist flor.The conopy is sometimes is called the umbrella.The emergent is taller than a 14 story bilding.

  9. lost of anmals lives in the rain forst it gets
    a lot of rain. Lot of dark in the rain forst they lot of trees. And ther are a lot of levas. and ther not much macaw in
    the rain forst. and ther are humm bird too .
    and pepole that live in the rain forst
    they have to build ther house on poles.

  10. The Emergent at the top of the rainforest trys to get alot of sun.There is two Emergents at the top.They are the tallest trees in the rainforest.

  11. The canopy is a lot of threes it looks like a umbrelle and the monarch butterfly is poisonous and colored.

  12. The rainforest rains evry day.The hummingbird in the rainforest wings make sowns.Tiny wings beat to 55 to 75 in a secont.

  13. A aimals live in the Emergent tree. A bied in a tree live in nver tree .It isvery dank in the ranforest.The Emergent tree like aumbrelle. The
    rainforest is we it is very wet. They is a forest floor .They have ander stay . I love the fovrit is the best rainforest every.I love the forest. my forest it animais is a elepth every.

  14. A rain forestin a big place. The rainforest roof animls live in the rainforest roof they can noteat there rainforest. Inthe rainforest it is dark. they are wildcats. they are fast runners.The eat meat.they are good swimers. they areexcellenttreeclimbers.

  15. The rainforest has many diferent layers. The Emergent layer,the Canopy layer,the Understory layer.the Immature layer, and the forest floor.The rainforest is close to the equator.It is very sticky. There is an Air plant. An Air plant doesnt haveto have soil.The rainforest are tropical and the rainforest has a bunch of plant life. The rainforest is very cool.

  16. Rain forest are very hot. The tropica rain forest almost rain evrey day. Some rain forest have trees and some tree have plants and those plants are cald air plant. There are four layers are the under story what lives in the under story snake,tiger, and jaguars.

  17. i the rain forest ther are for inporint parts abot the rain forst those inporintb parts are emergent layr conupy layr. undr rstory layr forest floor. it rains olmst every day ther.

  18. In the rain forest ther are 4 layers 1 of the layer is the forest floor and a nuther layer is understory layer and a nuther layer isacahopy layer. In the rain forest it is very humid and warm.The tropica rain forest is close to the equatar.

  19. I the rain forest it's very hot. I the rain forest it will rain a lot's. The Emergent layer it is the top where a tree is reaching for the sun.

  20. Rainforest are very humid and sticky. Rain forest are hot. In the rainforest it rains almost every day. The Emergent
    Layer is where the tall trees are. The Canpy Layer is like an unbrella. The Understory Layer has alot of animals.The Immature Layer has big animals.

  21. Rains almost every day. The forest floor has boas and Leopards. Toucans live in the understory layer. The canopy layer is like a big umbrella. The Emergent Layer is where the tall trees grow. There are many plants and animals in the Rainforest.

  22. In the Rain Forest the Forest f loor has u lot of animals , in the understoy layer the wether is very hot , in the canopy it rain s u lot and thair is six types of animals , in the emergent layer the trees er 55 feet tall the equator is beside the rainForest.

  23. It is very hot in the rain forest .It rains almot evry day . there are lots of plants and trees . Lots of animais live in the trees.

  24. In the rainforest there are four layers of foliage. The bottom layer is the forest floor where new, young plantsgrow. The understory layer is under the canopy layer. The canopy layer is like an umbrella that covers the forest. It rains almost every day. The Rainforest is near the equator so it is hot and humid. There are many different types of animal and plant life there.

  25. We can not cut the rainforest down because if we do then we will not have oxgen.It is very very hot in the rain forest. The rain forest is close to the equator.Emergent layer,canopy layer,understory layer,immature layer and the forest floor are all the layers.The first one is abowt the tall trees.

  26. In the rainforest it is hot. It rains every day. There are four layers. They are Emergent, Canopy, Understory, and the Forest Floor. Lots of plants and animals live in the Rainforest.
