
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Olmstead Bake Shop

Pretend you are getting snacks for your class at the Olmstead Bake Shop. Use the menu to tell what 2 snacks you would buy for your class and how many of each. Then write an addition sentence to tell how many snacks you would buy all together.


  1. I would get twelve cookies and twlve cupcakes. 12+12=24

  2. I got 4 doughnuts and 10 cookies how many snacks did we have in all?

  3. I would like four doughnuts for the teatchers and twevle cookies for the whole classroom. 12+4=16

  4. I would like to order 4 doughnuts and 14 cupcakes 14+4=18.

  5. I will get 8 doughnuts for the girls and 9 coockies.How in all? 8+9=17

    1. I would go to the Olmstead bake shop I would get 30 doughnuts and 3 cookies. how many in all?

  6. If I went to Olmstead bake shop. I would get 10 doughnuts and 10 cupcakes. How many snacks are in all? 10 + 10 =20.

  7. I will go to the bake shop and get my class some snacks . I will get 22 cookies and 1 cupcake, How many in all.
    22+1 = 23

  8. I would go to the Olmstead Bake Shop and buy 9 cupcakes and 3 cookies. How many snacks did I bring? 9 + 3 = 12.

  9. I would go to the Olmstead bake shop. I would get 22 doughnuts and 2 cookies. How many doughnuts and cookies are in all? 22 + 2 = 24

  10. i would go to the Olmstead bake shop to get snacks for my class. I would buy 5 cupcakes and 3 cookies. How many snacks would be in all? 5 +3 = 8

  11. I would go to the Olmstead bake shop and get snacks for my class. I would get 10 cupcakes and 6 cookies. How many in all? 10 + 6 = 16

  12. I will go to the Olmstead bake shop and get 12 doughnuts and get 10 cookies. How many is in all? 12 + 10 = 22

  13. I am buying snacks for my class. at the bake shop I will buy 6 cupcakes and 1 doughnut. How many in all. 6+1= 7

  14. I am buying snacks for my class. At the bake shop I will buy 3 doughnuts and 4 cookies. How many in all? 3 + 4= 7

  15. I am buying snacks for my class . At the bake shop I will buy . 3 cupcakes and 3 doughnuts. How many in all ? 3+3=6.

  16. I am buying snacks for my class. At the bake shop I will buy 9 doughnuts and 9 cookies.How many in all ? 9 + 9 = 18

  17. I am buying snack for my class. At the bakes shop I will buy 3 cupcakes and 3 doughnuts How many in all? 3+3=6

  18. I am buying snacks for my class. At the bake shop I will buy 8 cookies and 15 cupcakes. How many in all? 8 + 15 = 23

  19. I am buying snacks for my class.At the back shop I will by 5 cupcakes and 3 doughnuts.How many in all?

  20. I am buying snacks for my class. At the bake shop I will buy 8 cookies and 7 cupcakes. How many in all? 8 + 7 = 15

  21. I am buying snacks for my class. At the bake shop will buy 10 cookies and 3 cupcakes.

    How many in all?

    10 + 3 = 13

  22. I am buying snacks for my class. At the bake shop I will buy 8 cookies and 7 cupcakes. How many in all? 8 + 7 = 15
